On-foot Pay Station

On-foot Pay Station:

How to Use On-foot Pay Station & Frequently Asked Questions

How to use the on-foot pay station

  1. Select language (i.e. English).
  2. Enter the vehicle’s license plate.
  3. Choose from Purchase Ticket or Add Time.
  4. Choose time limit: 1 hour/2 hours/3 hours/ or daily (4 hours or more).
  5. Insert credit card for payment.
  6. Take receipt – Note: Receipt does not need to be displayed on the vehicle’s dashboard.

Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Is there a fee to use the on-foot pay station?

    The transaction fee ($.35) is included in the parking rate.

  • What credit cards may be used with PayByPhone?

    Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover are accepted. The credit card information is encrypted and secured.

  • Does the pay station accept cash?

    No. The pay station does not accept cash or coins.

  • What is the hourly parking rate?

    It is $2.50 per hour. 4 hours or more converts to all-day parking at $11.

  • Is there a required minimum of time?

    Yes. Parking charges are based on a 1-hour increment.  

  • Does a receipt from the pay station need to be placed on the vehicle’s dashboard?

    No. Once the vehicle’s license plate is entered into the on-foot pay station(parking pay station), the vehicle is automatically registered with the university to avoid a citation being issued.

  • How can a parking session be extended?

    Parking sessions can be extended either via text or at the parking pay station. There’s a $0.25 service fee for extending the parking session via text.

    Extend via text: The parker must enter their cell phone number when prompted at the time the original session was bought at the parking pay station to enable the extend via text option. The parker will receive a text message with different options to extend the session within 10 minutes of the text.

    Extend at the pay station: The parker must return to the parking pay station and add time. If time needs to be added during M-F from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., the parker must return to the original parking pay station. The parker can use any pay station on campus after 4:00 p.m. and at any time during weekends.

  • How do the enforcement officers know if a vehicle paid for parking?

    Officers electronically scan all vehicle license plates.  By using the on-foot pay station, the vehicle’s license plate is automatically registered with the University’s parking system, which avoids receiving a citation.

  • Is it free for disabled person parking permit holders?

    No, everyone must pay for parking. Valet offers free parking for p/disabled parking placard users during the academic school year (August to April). Please call ahead of time to make sure valet is offered for the summer events you are interested in. 

    Persons issued an official disabled parking placard by a U.S. state must purchase a University of Miami parking permit for their correct classification. Disabled permit parking is allowed in specially designated spaces and any other marked space, but not in reserved and restricted spaces. A University of Miami parking lot appropriate parking permit (including daily passes or other temporary UM permits) and a state disabled parking placard are required to park in disabled spaces on campus.

    If a vehicle is parked in a disabled space with a state disabled placard but without paying for the University of Miami parking, the vehicle will be cited for ‘No Valid Parking Permit.' If a vehicle has paid for the University of Miami parking but no state disabled placard, the vehicle will be cited for 'Parking in a Disabled Space.'
